My Confinement Days...

Hi there! Hello mummies! :)

Lets blog about my confinement experience plak ekk...5 days after my delivery i went back to my mum's house so berpantang di cheras lah saya for abt 2 weeks kot ngn mak sendiri..Pengalaman first week as a mother i tell youuu mmg sgt sgt sgt mencabar! Disebabkan kesan jahitan yg i kena sgt byk so my movements was very limited and mmg sgt2 berhati2 menjaganyer..nk jalan ke..nk shishi or yayak ke..nk mandi ke..semua tu mmg berjaga lah! I rasa masa i berpantang adalah masa i paling hodoh sekali! hahahaha mmg bertoncet je rambutnyer..berkain batik..dan bert-shirt sahaja! Ohh maiiii mmg sgt miserable i tell youuu! (xdela i nak tempek gmbr i yg horror itewww kat sini kannn hihihi)

Tugas yg paling mencabar adalah tugas menyusukan anak kott..(for me laaa)..well menyusukan dia xsusah tp nk menyusukan dia setiap masa itu sgt ssh! huhu mmg cranky abes la i masa mula2 jd mummy tu..xleh tdo nyenyak tu xyah ckpla kannn..nasib baik hubby sgt sgt membantu dlm hal menguruskan anak ni wpun this is his first time handling babies tp he's gooooooooood! :) *clap!clap!clap!* Yela i dah penat nk susukan ilyas..duduklaa..baringlaa..mcm2 cara nk bg selesa masa nyusukan dia..n yesss baby boy mmg sgt sgt demand susu i tell you! hadehhh tp walau mcmana cranky i masa tu pon i tetap bg dia full breastmilk! i pon xtau mana dtg kekuatan even till now i still bertungkus lumus menyediakan susu utk ilyas when im out for work..Kuasa Allah kann..Dia yg paling byk membantu! Alhamdulillah..Bila i dah penat nyusukan tu i pass to hubby or my mum utk buat benda lain plak kat ilyas such as mandikan dia..cuci poo poo dia, jaga ilyas when he is full..etc..i mmg xpenah mandikan ilyas sampailaa ilyas dah 20 or 25 days old masa tu..sebabnyer i kenot duduk mengyangkung..xbraniii wooo..lg pon mmg sakit lg time tuu..

When Ilyas was 7 days old, we held a tahniq session kebetulan hari tu jatuh hr ahad so mmg ramaila kat frenz pon dtg visit us. Majlis tu buat kecik2 je utk family2..xde la mkn2 besar bagai mum prepared lontong utk kitaorg n some frens mkn2..:)

Pictures below masa kwn2 dtg visit and masa ni belum buat tahniq tu lg..kena tgu ustaz lps asar baru dtg..Mmg penuh rmh masa nii n ilyas pon baik budi je..ehh he is baik budi even sampai now ni pon :)

With the hardcore mummies kak fara and kak mauzee! hehe

Bila ustaz sampai, he asked us to give him a plate of kurma and air zam zam. Den he started off with azankan ilyas.

Ustaz tgh nak bg Ilyas rase kurma and air zam zam tu kat mulut dia..baik je time nii..n sgtlah comel kecik je anak mummy nih..:)

Lps bagi Ilyas kurma tu Ustaz mintak my belah rotan ring utk dia nk calitkan ke mulut Ilyas jugak.katanyer buat mcm tu supaya ilyas dah besar nnt pandai mengaji..Amiiinnnnn :)

Masa ni yg  tinggal Dani and Soul je..yg lain sume dah pulang sbb dah lewat ptg dah..Thanks to all GLCians yg dtg dat day! Sori la layanan xbrapa nk mesra sbb kena control dpn parents..hehehe nk menjonah lebih sket pon xdapek..ekeke oppss kelihatan dabel chin di situ..erghhhh :p

This is one sample set of my lunch,dinner masa berpantang cuma tukar2 sayur n ikan jelaaa..hehe tp peliknyerr berselera je mkn without all the sambals wat not! boleh je ekceli mkn xde cili ekk..saje dah terbiasa kottt hihi dulu kalau nk mkn sayur mmg memilih! especially sayur sawi..mmg xusik pon! but amazingly now i can ratah je sayur sawi tuh u olsss! hahahaha anak punyer pasallll sanggupkan ajerr..:)

A week berpantang kat cheras n a week lg berpantang kat kg plak. Masa ni hubby xfollow lah sbb dia dah mula keje..huhu susahnyerrr xde dia tau! Mlm2 nk tdo tu penat sgt menjaga Ilyas..hari2 kal sedih2 je ngn hubby suh dia dtg amik kitaorg cepat. N from dat moment i put a stand mana hubby pegi kat situ i ada! hehe If sebelum ni xde anak ok lg kalau kena dah ada anak i rase mcm xleh manage anak sorang2..kena ada hubby jugak..bukanla mak or mil xmembantu...mereka mmg sgt membantu tp lain feelingnyer bila dgn hubby sendiri..ceh wahh ngengada! lol! :p

Ni gambar ilyas masa dia berumur 19hari..:) Nak tau x...tali pusat Ilyas tertanggal masa dia berusia 16 hari! Punyerlah lama nk tanggal..we olss igt tali pusat dia dah kering sbb duk sapu2 ubat tu bhgn atas n tepi2 pusat tuu..not knowing kena angkat n bersihkan gak bhgn tepi yg ke dlm sket tu gak! aduhhhhh apela mummy n ayah Ilyas nih! my mum pon xperasan yg bhgn dlm pusat ilyas tu masih basah until my mil check baru la kami tau..huhu den barula mula secara serius menjaga tali pusat tuuu..hehe mil kata if tali pusat dia lmbt sgt tanggal takut nnt Ilyas kena jaundice lg or ada infection lain..fuhhh masa tau tu mmg sgt panic la kami! biasa baby tertanggal tali pusat masa berusia 7~8 hari..Ilyas ni kes special lahh niiii..hehe
Hmmmm panjang dah entry ni pulokkkk hihi...all and all masa berpantang towards the end tu i dah able to manage my son well...dah biasa tidur xlena..dh pandai mandikan baby..xde cranky2 anymore...:) Penat mmg penat tp bila tgk anak senyum,sihat penat kita pon hilang..:)

Yeayyy I'm a Mummy!!

* FYI : This is a backdated entry..hihi*

It has been 30days of me being a mother! woowww amazing huh. Today my son Ilyas at his 1 month old! Time flies sooo fast...i have another 1 month to go before start back to working. Erghhhh

Ok lemme start with my labor stories plak ye. Hope i can still remember each things dat happened during taking ilyas out to see his mummy n ayah. :)

Saturday, 7/1/2012:
Dis morning ard 830am my gynea came to our room and dia nak get ready to induce me. Before dia induce tu she seluk to check my dilation dulu..ohh still the same 2cm dilate. After that she put the induce pil and informed me that i will start to feel my contraction slowly in 1 or 2 hours time..after 4hours dia akan check lg my dilation. So i pon tgu jelaa sakit tu n hubby duk je dlm wad tu sambil tgk tv n mkn2 family sume sibuk dgn nor's wedding masa tu so xde pon yg dtg tgk pg n tghri tuu..

im not sure tgu contraction tu bpe lama tp mmg dia dah stat rase tghri tu cek baru dilate 3cm..(ohh keciwaaaa) Ptg tu baru my family dtg visit i..haa masa ni mmg dah rase sgt2 contractionnyer..i duk mundar mandir dlm wad tu sambil borak2 ngn dorang n kejap2 duduk plak..hehe contraction agak lama sampai i rasa penat. Ptg tu nurse dtg and tanya my contraction cemana..i ckp sakit tp kejap ada kejap hilang..dia tny so u wanna rest tonite x? esok pg2 bgn kite masuk labour room..erkkkk *muka saspen sekejap bila dia ckp labour room!* den i ckpla nak rest for tomorrow's fight. Dia cucuk ubat ape ntah trs i rase sleepy sgt2!! sedar2 dah kul6am esoknyer..ehehe

Sunday, 8/1/2012:
Seawal 6am i woke up n bersiap2 utk ke labour room..perasaan masa ni?? fuhhhhh berdebar n sgt takut! Breakfast ard 730am n i xmkn sgt pon..jamah sket2 jer..itu kesilapan yg besar i dah buat ekceli! Sebelum ni dah baca n mmg tau kena mkn puas2 before nk bersalin tp disebabkan kecuakkan melanda ape pon xselera..tu pon hubby paksa mkn gak..if not i rase xberjamah kott food tuu..hehe The nurse took me to the labour room with a wheelchair..not that i cannot walk myself out tp dah org nk sorong kite baik biar je..xyah jln..dhla tgh saspen kannn..hehe

Was in the labour room at 830am. Sampai2 je situ the nurse asked me to lay down on the bed coz she wanna put sumthing inside my a**. Before that dia pesan lps masuk ubat ni cepat2 g toilet yer..i was like..ohhh ni ubat utk buang kumbahan dlm perut..hehe Mmg ponnnn xsampai seminit kot i dah terlari2 nk ke toilet!! hahaha klakar gilerr time nih..mmg boleh ter' ' di mana mana kalau lmbt! hehehe Lps keluar dr toilet my gynea came and check my dilation..she said it was still da same 3cm! hampa tul dgr..sbb tau mcm lmbt je lg nk bersalin nih..huhu den she told me a doctor will come n pecahkan my waterbag in a short while. Lps i dah 'menyelesakan' diri atas katil tu a nurse came to drip my hand sbb nk masukkan ubat kott ke air ntah..Masa ni i tell you i menangis teresak2 as if i dah sakit nk bersalin!! you know why??? dua org nurse cuba utk masukkan jarum in my hand tp xberjaya! dia kata urat i tersimpul n tiba2 membengkak! Ya Allah sakitnyer Tuhan je tau!

Bwh ni gmbr masa dia tgh nk cucuk!

You see bpe byk dia tampal sbb salah cucuk tuh! Rase nk maki je nurse time tu! Sbbnyer ada sorang lg nurse dtg n buat sekejap je dia cucuk dah siap n i tak rase sakit sikit pon!demmmmm

Ni selepas berjaya didrip! Lps dah sudah tu sorang nurse ni pon ckp ngn i "adik ni xtahan sakit nmpknyer..kalau mcm tu baik amik epidural sbb sakit bersalin lg sakit n mungkin adik xtahan" Aduhaiii nurse ni menakutkan i and yesss dia berjaya menakutkan i! I pon decided nk amik epidural...erkkkk

After that another lady doctor pon dtg untuk pecahkan my waterbag. Masa ni dah start cuak..erkkkk sambil2 dia berborak dgn nurse tu i saw she was holding sumting yg pjg kaler hijau and im not sure what it was at first..Den she started to seluk2 my bawah tu and sambung borak2 with me plak..and after 5mins dia dah basuh tgn..i was like...bluurrrr. Trs i tny doctor "Dah pecah ke ketuban saya doctor?" and she said dah! wooohhhhh xsakit ponnn..xde rase air kuar pon..hehe air tu kuar few sec after that

Later, a guy doctor plak came utk buat epidural..alamakkk cane nii seganlaaaa!! hehe Tp nk buat cane redah jelaaa kannn..doc tu explain2 ttg epidural and dia pon start to jab me on my back. Kena duduk atas katil tu and peluk bantal sebab nk bagi kite jgn bengkok sgt or tegak sgt..Masa dia buat proses ni xsakit pon. Stakat masa mula2 nk cucuk tu ade la rase cam semut gigit tp lps tu ok jer..dah abis proses epidural we olss borak2 jap ngn doc. I asked him did he knows my uncle..Yes he knows him! rupa2nya my uncle la cikgu bius dia! hehe lps tu tertny2 why not my uncle je dtg bius i..ohhh lupa dia dah pencen! hehehe

Lps dibius tiba2 i kegatalan, kesejukkan yg teramat sgt! Gatal tu leh kontrol lg tp im shivering like berada dlm tmpt bersalji! Sgttttt sejuk sampai i merengkot mcm gmbr bwh ni. Siap sebelah tgn masuk dlm baju sbb nk thn sejuk..hehe Den nurse cek my body temp n dia kata i demam! erkkk cuak sekejap.nape tiba2 demam plakk nii..alahaiii pastu nurse bising2 kat luar ckp i demam kat doc. Dorang bg i panadol n ubat ape ntah lg satu n jab masuk dlm tiub tu..bukanla i mkn ubat tuu..:)

Ini gambar tiub epidural utk masukkan ubat kat badan kita..

Nurse told me after all the process done doc will come and check my dilation every 4 hours..dlm hati waattttt 4hours??!! lamanyerrr!!! Mmg lambat giler pon nk terbukak! I duk tgu dlm tu almost 8hours baru la nk terbukak 9cm! Masa menunggu tu dah bpe org baby dah yg kuar dr bilik labour room sebelah menyebelah! Mmg agak tertekan saat tuu tp nak buat camana i tak rase sakit pon! Masa dah dekat2 nak bersalin tu i told hubby i mcm nk yayak n suh dia bitau nurse..den nurse dtg cek my dilation and dia kata dah bukak 4cm! laaaa itu baby ke yg mcm gerak2 nk kuar dr bwh kite tuuu...hehe nurse kata xleh g mana2 if u rase nk yayak..yayak je kat sini..*gullpp* i sanggup tahan occay! hehehe

Lps tu dah makin kerap rase nk yayakk n i dah rase mcm nk terkeluar dah..hubby pgil lg nurse..nurse cek tgk2 dh bukak 5cm! Hati berbunga riang time nih! hehe Dlm sejam lps tu gynea dtg n seluk lg i (ntah bpe kali seluk hr tuu i redha jerr sbb xrasa sakit ponnn..:) )  Den dia ckp laaa mmg laa mcm nk yayak dah 9cm! huh huh trs excited but at the same time takut ya amatz! Hubby pon cepat2 kal mak n in laws bgtau dah leh dtg hospital sbb i dah nk bersalin..Doc i ckp i have to wait until 10cm dilation baru boleh bersalin. So i pon tgu dlm sejam dh cukup full dilation...

Haaa masa ni la yg saspen...Doc tgk my CTG machine tu and ckp i tgh contraction now..Cuba try push dulu...alamakkkk tgh contraction ke??i didnt feel any pain pon kott! i pon tarik nafas dlm2 and try to push..hmmm nothing came out pon..huhu i can only know i tgh contraction bila perut mengeras coz everytime perut i mengeras doc akan ckp i tgh contraction..bermula lah saat2 i meneran sekuat kuat hati selama sejam sampai i dah rase lembik sgt2 and bitau hubby i dah giveup! I cannot push anymore! It was 6pm oredi and i kelaparan,hilang tenaga dan kepenatan! Hubby masa tu i tau cuak gak and kesian tgk me yg dah rupe cam medusa tuu hihi trying to pujuk2 i kata i boleh..

Doc ckp kepala baby dah membengkak and i have to push harder cpt2! Dlm hati risau bukan kepalang to my baby..huhu den dia ckp lg heart beat baby dah turun! Tetiba doc plak cuakk yg amat trs dia bukak katil jd half and instructed the nurse to ambik vacum..masa ni i xrasa ape dahh..doc bitau i "Diana u kena push sekuat2 hati and i will help to take the baby out using vacum.." I pon ape lg tarik nafas sedalam2nyer and PUUUUSHHHHHHHHHHH sampai kuar suara gaklaaa den baru baby kuar! last! my son has arrived on my belly! Dpt je kuarkan my baby doc trs letak atas perut i. Hubby trs snap this pic! Oh maiiii sgt precious gmbr ni that i will show it to my son telling him this is how you look like right after you were born :)

Nampak benda putih tu kann..itulah vacum nyer..kecik jer mcm burger bun..hihi Selamat la sudahhhh. :D Lps je baby kuar tu xyah critala kan bpe besar koyaknyer..lama giler nk tgu doc jahit sampai lenguh2 dah kaki i!.Nmpak plak besi pjg2 dia duk seluk bwh i tuu..MasyaAllah xtau la apekebendanyer tu redha jela dia nk buat ape..hehe Sakit ke? Yes mmg sakit! wpon dah dibius 3 kali and siap ade lg epidural tu i can rase the pain..huhu darah mencurah2 kuar kat bwh..erkkkk adala 45mins kot doc nk jahit tuu..tgh dia sibuk2 jahit masuk plak sorang student medic tny dia sumtin siap tunjuk gmbr kat doc tu using his fon! i tgk je laa n dlm hati bengang gakk sbb simply2 je dorang ni masuk labour room tau! kalau doc tu xpe la student jek! My gynea tu pon lyn plak and dia ckp ape ntah mcm explaining sumting kat student tu and said she will be in the OT room in a short while...huh! Mana hubby i time ni?? Dia tgh sibuk amik and simpan uri and kejap2 pegi tgk baby kat luar bilik labour room tuu..:)

Lps siap dijahit and nurse pakaikan pad yg mcm xpakai tuu (sbb darah mencuah2 lg time ni) dia bagi i mkn n minum! Pehhhhh lega dpt minum milo and mkn sket roti..dah mkn2 tu dia kasi my baby to me sbb suh i susukan dia dlm stgh jam..eeeee masa ni mmg kekok gilerrr and malu pon hilang dah time tu sbb nk suh nurse tunjuk cane nk susukan(wpon dh pegi class still blurrr jgk!hehe) baby. Sgt pandai baby ni kita sua je kat dia trs masuk mulut and hisap! Happy giler i! hehe

Ni masa my baby dah dibersihkan..nurse tgh buat ape ntah tu i pon xtau..hehe

Lps dah siap2 ibu and anak ni, i disorong ke ward dgn katil baby nampk cam baby girl kann! hehe no no he's a BOY! :D

Sampai2 ward everybody was anxiously waited for us! Masa nk sorong masuk bilik tu rase cam artis plak siap boleh lambai2 kat family..hehe Trs my baby diserbu!! :D

Inilah buah hati saya yang baru. Ahmad Ilyas bin Azhar Fozy. Dilahirkan di HUKM pada jam 6.26pm dgn weightnyer seberat 2.74kg.

Hubby tgh sendawakan ilyas yg baru lps menyusu.. :) baru 1st day jd Ayah dh nmpk mcm pro kan?! hehe ye ye ayah dia mmg lg pro dr mummynyer! Alhamdulillah ;)

Fuhhhhh tamatla sudah entri permulaan utk Ahmad Ilyas nii..kan main berkurun nk update!. hehe Perasaan setelah menjadi mummy...Mcm xpercaya dah jadi mak org! hahaha Lps ni i citer experience i masa berpantang plak yer..

Disebabkan nak jgk publish post ni watermark2 sume hilang! maleh nk tempek watermark tu kang lg berkurun nk publish gamoknyerr...kemudian2 la masukkan..boleh?! hahaha

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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