Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Its a day before Hari Raya! To all muslims and blog readers..

Wish you a Happy,Joyous,and Cheerful Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

p/s : Drive carefully back and forth carefully jugak coz i noe during hari raye nnt sure byk food dihidangkannn? hehe


Ash Desh said...

Salam Raya Aidilfitri.. Ampunkan klu ada salah silap ye.. Moga berbahagia di hari lebaran...

PrincessD said...

Thanks Ash! Same here..sorry utk mana2 yg terlebih or terkurang tu yer..;) Selamat Hari Raye!

Unknown said...

selamat hari raya. mintak maap mintak ampun dd. banyak je kesalahan aku ni. huhu.. kesalahan baru yg lom buat pun harap ko akan maapkan. hihi

PrincessD said...

Mas..aku pon begitu jua! sama2 lah kite ye..0-0 ;)

Selamat Hari Raye babe!


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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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