Picture of Us

Whoopss it has been 57 days i've became a wife to my beloved husband! How time fliesss....hello baru 57 hari je ocayyyyy..pon dah kecoh...hahaha Baru now nak update blog pasal wedding?! hoh lapok! ke tak?? hehe

On 2nd Oct 2010 im happily married to En Hasben. The feeling before we berakad Subhanallah....sangatttt neveessssss i tell u! im shaking masa tgh dimekap oleh mak andam lg! Oh biasala tu kot eks..nak kawin n tukar status..28years duduk bwh ketiak mak and abah..tetiba nk duk rmh lain plak..mau xcuak..hehe but anyhow lps akad nikah i felt calm n neves trs hilang..coz why?? i know i love this guy so much!! :)

Enjoy below pixies of ours during our wedding, unfortunately we didnt get our full photos from OP yet but they gave us some for teasers i could say..hehe


Shots after solemnization..

From him to me..

From me to him..

Mas kahwin giveaway..hihi

With the in laws...
With my most beloved parent..

Malam Berinai:

Pengantin dijulang!weeeeee :)

Pengantin yg bz bergambar sampai org panggil pon tak dgr! hehe

Pengantin dah penat..hehe

Ok lah cukupla kot pixies kawin saya utk tatapan korang. Ikutkan byk lg nk upload tp mcm dah tak larat plak..nantokk dah nii..

Ape2 pon u ols prays for our happiness ye..dunia dan akhirat. Amin.

Lepas ni boleh update crite honeymoon plak..tungguuuuuuuu ;)



Dani neh said...

babe.. gambar orang yang menjulang korang tuh ade tak..
teringin nak tgk full cemana dijulangi, aku tableh bayang



bleh jadik model majalah pengantin..

boleh pulak Word Verification kat bawah nih
(ceeeh.. fozy la pulaaaak)

Fara said...

aku pun suka.. cantek!!!! tak puas ar tgk ic2 sumer nih! weh lom dapat full pics lagik?? perghh giler lama ehh .. kenapa ehh

Dani neh said...

dapat album jangan lupe bawak opis.. nak tenggggggggok!!

erm aku punya... erm.. tunggu lah mr. tomatography buat

PrincessD said...

nanti aku dah dpt full album hardcopy and softcopy aku kasi ko tgk eh! kat fb ade gak aku letak sket tp still xnmpk ke org julang aku tu??

Kak Fara,
Haah belum dpt lg. Patutnya dis month laa..hr tu dia kata album siap in one or onenhalf months after the wedding. so maseh menunggu lg ni..huhu

btw mashehhhhh for the compliments u ols!

PrincessD said...

eh dani..nak tgk album ko wehh!!! xkan xde album dr photog??

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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