Cameron Highlands Trip Part 3

Last day at cameron...early plan was to go to Smoke House,Tea Boh Sg Palas, Hospital Cameron(hahh?hospital plak??ape hal?!) den last pit stop was to drop by Pasar Pagi to buy sayur2 or other few things lah...We had our breakfast at the hotel kul730am! fuhhh mmg bgn awal gilerr pg tu sbb plan nk stat our tour at 830am! Sib baik berjaya bgn awal tp mmg mencabar sungguh la kann pagi2 sejuk nk bgn tuu..hehe

Family frame :D Ilyas seperti biasa tidoooo! hehe

After breakfast, we waited for others at the lobby. Masa ni kami camwhore lah kejap sementara nunggu tu..:D Ni depan hotel kitaorg. Best hotel ni! Mmg recommended wpon quite pricey..:)

Ehh kak fara pon tgh nunggu yg lain gak time ni..D,soul n kak fara dah setel bfast. Yg sedang bfast kak moji n shara. Mas n Jannah tunggu kitaorg kat SmokeHouse.

Heeeee Ilyas with his new sweater! Tp sweater ni xleh pakai kat kl kottt sbb sgt tebal! Kalau nk p obersi or tmpt yg mmg sejuk lehla pakai..:D Hmmm obersi tu ntah bila la nk pegi kann..agaknyer by the time leh pegi obersi dah kena bli sweater baru plak sbb yg ni dah xmuat! hahaha

Tunggu punyer tunggu dorang xsiap2 lg so we decided to make a move first and wait them kat Smoke unfortunately masa xmengizinkan yg lain pegi SmokeHouse tu. So me,Mas n Jannah jela pegi camwhore kat sana pg tuu sebelum shoot to Sg Palas plak..

Dah puas bergambar kat smokehouse kitaorg pon geraklah ke sg palas together dgn Mas n Jannah..Dorang carpool ngn we olsss..:) Mas n Jannah ikut naik bukit teh tuu dgn family kak moji..we olss naik ikut jln tar sbb nk tolak stroller ilyas..hehe

Sampai2 atas je we olss amik2 gmbr dulu..heeeee :D

"Mummieeee lemme goooo!!" hehehe

Sgt cantik kehijauan ladang teh nih! :)

Breakfast dulu dgn teh wangi, scones n choc cake!

Choc cake dia not soo yummeh laa..xabis pon mkn..huhu

Lps tu sesi games pon bermula..Plannyer nak buat game 2,3 jenis..but then again masa sgt cemburu ngn we olss so buat 1 game je lah..We played Draw Something game n drawer nyer sape lg if not Mr Jeeb the artist! hahaha masa buat game ni mmg sgt fun lah! Dgn hadiah...dgn budak2 yg eksaited nk meneka..dgn org ramai kat situ yg duk cari table xde sbb kitaorg conquer 2,3 bijik skali! hahaha 

Haaa ni org yg meng'organize' hadiah dgn jaya nyer! :D

Haaaa yg ni plak tukang sibuk tgk hadiah je! wakakaka :p

Mr Draw Something yg cool dgn fans2 nyehh...hehe

Sesi bagi gift exchange :)

Mummy sibuk kat blakang. Untie Mas yg jagakan Ilyas plak..hehe thanks Mas! cehh mcm biasa pgg budak je gaya mas pegang Ilyas tu..ekeke :p

Fuhhh after session game and gift exchange tamat..kami pon dgn hastily kemas2 brg n get ready to turun blk..but before that wajib posing one group dulu hoccay! hehe

Ehhhh kenapa tiba2 dah kat hospital ni?? Ekceli anak zaza xsihat masa dia dtg cameron. Zaza n husband igt dia demam selsema biasa jer but so happen serious plak demamnyer sampai kena bronchitis rupanyer! Aduhaiii kesian Saffiya..Makanyer xdptla zaza join semua ektiviti GLC dua hari tuu..xde rezeki ek za..Xpe yg penting jumpa gak ko kat Cameron!

We olss pon buatla sesi gift exchange utk zaza kat hospital. :D

Dan last skali bergambar kat luar hospital plak sebelum kami berangkat pulang...

Begitulah kesudahan trip Cameron GLC. All in all semua had fun and spotting abis in all activities! Boleh plan another vacation tuk GLC lg tp lain kali kita buat lg best yek! :D



Cameron Highlands Trip Part 2

Sambungan dr part 1...ptg tu before we went to our sightseeing activities, we discussed what to have for dinner. Den we decided to have steamboat je kat hotel..sonang xyah nk tercari2 tempat lain lg..dah ramai2 tu lecehla nk recce2 dulu kann :) so me n zaza pon pegi la ke kaunter restaurant tu to make reservation. Masa buat reservation tu the waiter did asked us how many people and kids will come. Kami pon ckp all together was 25pax including kids..The waiter didnt tell us how much they charge for kids so we assumed they will count how many kids will have dinner that night. After we came back from jln2 and have a lil rest at hotel room we all pon gathered lah kat restaurant ard 830pm.

Sesi masak memasak begins!! :)

Baby Izz Hannah and mamanyerr...

Ilyas yg ceria! Thanks untie Mas sbb captured muka ilyas tgh senyum! :D

Ilyas baring atas perut ayah kasi perut ayah kempis sikit sbb nk mkn byk niii..hehehe :p

Tgk camera sayangggg.... :D

Mari memasak dan makannnnn! Org sebelah dah xsabar nk mkn tuuu..hikhikhik :p

Dah full tummy but then we just received Zaza's homemade cheese cake! erghhh bloated! but still makan! hahaha sedap kek zaza buat!

Tu diaaaaa sambil nursing pon nk gak mkn tuh! heheeeeee :p

Lps we all habis mkn mula lah sesi nk membayar plak..haaa masa ni la drama tu! ekeke the so very rude waiter gave us the bill and when i looked at it i saw they charged all 25pax! i was like whatttt!! Masa ni i stat la tny did they charged the babies as well and he said "u kata 25 pax and bill itu saja." fuhhhh berapi blum lg masa ni..i tny lg "u charged the babies jugak ke?!" and he said "u tgk bil itu lahh,saya xtauu" mmg saja kasi wa meletupz! i pon membebel lah ape lg..its ridiculous babies pon u charged! bengong betul dorang nii..Kitaorg suh dia panggil manager dia n he said manager xde. Then waiter yg amik order ptg td dtg and he started calculate blk the bill..n dia ni xkerek mcm waiter td so xdela hangin sgt..lps dia kire2 tu dia pon lehla accept our request utk excludekan bill for the babies. Yang funnynyer lps kira2 tu dia dh bagi la one amount and we all pon dah paid to him sadenli he came back to us informed yg bill td salah kira. Haaa masa ni kak moji plak naik hangin! hahahaa last2 ayat power kak moji kasi kat dia " Haa u said u did mistake so u did mistake u pay lah!" and terus we all blah dr kaunter n restaurant tuh! pehhhhhhh hebakkk lah kak moji!! hahahaha that was the story about our dinner that night..haiiii mmg memori sungguh la mkn kat cameron nih! Dr siang sampai ke malam asyik bad luck je tang tang lain2 tu mmg tip top lah :)

Lps dinner ibu2 sekalian ni plan nk hangouts borak2 kat lobby. So si bapa2 ni kenala tlg jaga anak2 plak..eheh best la our husband pon time ni mmg understanding n helpful! Ikut jek wifey2 ni nak buat ape :D Semua mood baik je..suke lah! thanks guys!!!

Me, Soul n Mas...Masa borak2 ni mmg sgt terasa kesejukkannya! Ada la dlm 4~5D kott sejuk! ckp pon mulut mengigil! hehe

Shara kasi FM ni kat semua GLC! yeyyyy thanks shara! Sgt nice FM ni siap ada gmbr kitaorg semua and fantastic quotes! :D my quote was " A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!!"

Sesi melepak berlangsung dlm sejam sahaja..jadiklah kannn..dpt gak kami bergossip,bergelak tgh2 mlm tu! hehehe tgh2 borak tu lalu plak waiter restaurant hampeh td hadehhh trs spoil topik borak sambung blk topik mkn..hahahaha Mas and Jannah blk homestay dorang. Me,kak moji n kak fara teman soul blk bilik n trs we all pon blk bilik jugak..masa tu dlm jam12am dah pon..blk2 bilik tgk2 Ilyas xtdo lg..alahaiii tunggu mummy gak nk tdo eh...dia kena flu sket mlm tu sbb sejuk sgt kott..Esok nyer activity pon hectic gak ni..mari lah kite sambung dlm entry seterusnyer ye..:D

Cameron Highlands Trip Part 1

This is our first trip bringing Ilyas together for a short escapade. First trip as a parent! wooottt! :) We went to Cameron Highlands last month with GLC geng. I was uncertain to bring Ilyas up coz we donno how he will behave in the car for few hours and in cold place summore takut cranky je laaa..but then due to my sooo 'holiday craving' we redah jelaaaa..hihi Alhamdulillah our journey went well back and forth! Ilyas was all the way sleep in the car! i was soooo relief! :D 

When we arrived Cameron terus pegi carik tempat mkn..We olss dah starving sgt. We lunch at food court at Tanah Rata. Penah mkn kat sini last 3yrs ago masa tu dtg cameron ngn soul,zaza n shara. Ok je order food and makan but unfortunately this time kita dtg jadik drama plak before nak mkn! Haiyooooo ini lah peniaga2 melayu meniaga ala2 kadar n main boleh jek..kastemer mat saleh dtg elok je dia layan tp bila kitaorg oder tetiba ckp xbuat plak after like hafnhour tunggu! bengong! Last2 we all mkn nasi campur je..sib baik the lauk was ok..phewwww

Lps makan2 we shoot straight to the hotel to gather with other GLCs. Sampai2 hotel trs check in dulu and settle down. I love the hotel room soo much coz mmg sgt elegant roomnyer! Katil king tuuuu!! hehe

Then we meet all GLCian at the lobby. Mas and Jannah didn't stay at the same hotel coz they decided to join after we booked the hotel.

With Kak Fara and Jannah yg dah lama xjumpa!

Meriahhhh lobby tu dek kami2 org nih..hehe Masa we ols melepak kat situ mmg xbpe ramai org yg check in or berlegar2 kat situ so mmg suara kitaorg jelah yg memecah kesepian!wahhh! hehehe

If ikut plan, first day sampai Cameron got few places to go tp disebabkan ahli yg agak ramai n most of them adalah budak2 so pengurusan masa agak fail di situ (hahaha) tp xpe we olss xnk stress2 ikut jadual tu pon sbb pegi sana nak hepi2 n chill2 jer so first place we went was to strawberry park at YZ Agro Farm..tempat ni dekat giler ngn homestay Mas and Jannah tp xsempat nak visit pon homestay dorang sbb lps tu rush2 nk g pasar mlm plak..hehe Sampai2 je situ terus pose dulu yeh! (kete kat sebelah mas tu kacau ah! rosak gmbr!huh)

Heeee poyo jer niii..hehehe

Ilyas tdo so mummy and ayah jelah pose ye..:)

The menus...

I love the chocolate soooo weryyy much! but the strawberry...hmmm hmmm mashemmmm!!! lol!

Oh well..the place was like ours! Habis sume meja kitaorg hijack! Lol!

Semua enjoyyyyyyy!! :D


Ilyas yang sentiasa tido masa kami berjln..good boy anak mummy..memahami sungguh mummy dia bz nk berposing! wakaka :p


Lepas puas bergambar kat farm strawberry tu we olss secara berjemaah went to Pasar malam plak..fuhhh mmg sgt jem dgn org n kereta i tell u! Padahal kitaorg sampai quite early gak tu..Tgk anak mummy nih mmg sedap tdo je keje dia! Agaknyer cuaca best kot kat sana tu yg layan je dia tuu..hihi

Sedang memilih sweater utk ilyas and aqil..hehe

Jannah n Mas yg sibuk membeli madu..menarik tgk packaging dia yg mcm choki2 tuu..hehe

Bunga-bungaan yg fresh! i didnt buy any pon sbb xde org kirim or i dont feel its necessary to shop pon..bukannyer kaki bunga..hehe

Bought this for my niece and nephew. Interesting kan?! The wheat grass has to be soaked in the water for 1 day then put it in a plate with a lil water on it and put the plate anywhere u like. It doesnt need sun to grow n it can last until 8months long! That's what was told to us lah kan..will check with my niece n neph on this..hehe

The temperature waktu kat pasar malam mmg sejuk! i think ade la dlm 10~15D gilerr jln2 kat pasar mlm tu waktu org ramai sbb xpanas..hehe around 730pm we went back to the hotel and nak get ready for dinner plak.

We had a steamboat dinner at the hotel..haaa this part will story mory in the next entry eh..ada drama sket mlm tu. ekeke

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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