Dar*ul Iz*zah day out!

My 2nd charity during Ramadhan this yr was at Rumah Anak Yatim Daru*l Izz*ah. Me and Mas joined kak fara's bloggers group to do the charity works..The event was held on 12-Sept-2009 and started at 9.00am till 1030pm..There were 30 kids in house(only boys) with 2 wardens + 1(warden to-be)..

My first thot wen we arrived there will be many donaters will join the event however there was only less than 15 ppl i gezz joining..the house was big and very in poor condition..and im sure a lot of works needs to be done here..im not sure wat his real name was but kak fara told me they called him Wak..wak was one of the organizer in the group well yeah he looks like one tho..;) he called us for a short briefing on things to do that morning..

We were given a group each to clean up the boys room. I got Baihaqi room and 6 brothers to work with..:) they're young n veryy da notty one u noe!well wat do u aspect from kids like them?huh? hehehe..we went up to their room and to my surprise their room was like OMG!! fully mess-up! pity,pulls me down to earth how lucky i am to have a family to guide me to do things well,less cloths,no curtains all in less...:( told the boys to get brooms n old cloths to start sweeping the floor n wiping the windows..

My Baihaqi group..
Some of the kiddoes..
The one sitting down besides the katil was Daniel..he is super notty u noe!!haahaa
Spring cleaning starts...hihi me,mas n kak fara..
kak fara...
Me n Mas..pose jap..hehe

Nauzubillah...the floor was full of rubbish!! oh maaiii wen i asked them how u guys sleep in this room they were like pointing each others who did the mess..den me quickly started sweeping everything...phewwww my flu getting worst however me still hardly cleaning up the room..some of the boys wiping the fans and windows..some of them helping us mopping the floor after we finished sweeping it..am darned tired but satisfied! i noe this is the only thing dat i could do to help them..

see see i told u!!! this one swept by Mas..
and this by me..haiyooo...
I did talked to their guardian on the kids discipline..she told us that currently there was no one taking care of the disciplinary in the house..they hiring one to take charge of the kids disciplines..no wonder their room was like that..i didnt look at their toilet coz i dont want to..scwareeee i gezz..hihi these kids are young..they need attention and intensive care of their well behave..no signs of responsibility at all in their heart..wat i can see is just playful minded n solely kids minded even their age was 17! i was really surprised.

Im glad the bloggers team did this initiative to do the gotong-royong and donation at least now i noe how bad the kids condition was in the house n at least we could put our hands together to make sure the kids will have a better life ahead!This makes me wanna do more on charity..it really pulls me down to earth!im sure u guys will feels da same if u saw wat we saw..

To all bloggers and readers out there lets do more charity while we can to make sure we grant a better life in the future with our good deeds and intentions..Aminnnn..

Us before we went home...exhausted but yet fun! :) nice knowing u ols btw! From left Deo,Mas,me,Kak(cant remember her name!erkk),kak Ros..
I didnt joined their break fasting dat nite coz my flu getting worst! had flu few days back oredi n now its killin me!huhu :(


Dani neh said...

Cool lah.. xtbt korang..
glad to know you guys.. hopefuli satu hari aku dapat join dan bukan poyo cakap je nak join.. aaaaaaaahahahahah

PrincessD said...

yeah next time if ade mehla join da club eh dani..;)

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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