My Raya Celebration!

This gonna be a veryyy long entry for my Hari Raya post u olss! N lotssss of piccas as well so scroll la sampai bwh yerr..hikhikhik ;)

This year was our first raya together as husband and wife. We're sooo excited n looking forward to it! N ehem ehemmm first raya mestilah on my side kannn..hihi (before puasa lg dah bg hint nk raye ngn family i dulu nih!hihi) Woke up early on the first day raya..den siap2kan hubby nk g solat raya..i olss xdpt pegi sebab lmbt siap! huh maklumlaa toilet rmh nenek i 1 jer kena rebut dgn 2 family n mostly guys yg ramai..udahnyer yg ladies ni kena lah beralah let the guys mandi2 the time dorang siap we olss baru terhegeh2 nk bersiap..huhu InsyaAllah next year raye we olss beraya kat rmh sendiri so xyahla berebut toilet lg..weeeee :) After solat raya, dorang blk jer trs posing2 amik gmbr dulu! :)

Den we took pix with our beloved grandmom and my aunt family...

The ladies in the house..this time my relatives sume xsampai lg nii..we olss cepat2 posing amik gmbr before they arrive coz kalau dorang ade mmg payahla nk bergambar mcm ni kann..kena layan dorang la plakkk..hihi

The guys turn plak..

Than gambar wajib one family this time kat luar rmh plak..:) ohh my 2nd sis was not ard this time coz dia raye rmh mertua thn ni..huhu

Disebabkan my dad xde di pagi hari raye, sesi bersalaman kami ditunda pada waktu ptg..kelakar giler time nih! malu2 nk salam hasben coz everyone was looking at us! awwwww ^.^ both of us mcm xserius jek bersalaman duk gelak2! hikhik

Ok itu raya kat i story plak raye kat KL..hehe oh well ni dinamakan post berangkai...hehehe :p

We went to Shara's house. As usual glc mini gath kat rmh shara plak..She served us the best Laksa Sarawak ive ever tasted! Semua makan byk xhengatt!! hahahaha

Only 3 of us yg dtg the same day..thot of meeting zaza jugak tp dia dah nk blk Penang dah time tu..dia dtg rmh shara a day earlier..xde rezeki nampaknyer.. :(

Ni pon antara gambar wajib bila jumpa Hannah! :)

Tu diaaaa soul tunjuk skill! hehehe lps ni my turn plak lah tunjuk skill camni kannnn...;) Mom n son soooo look alike! :) dua2 chubz! hehe

Lama gak kitaorg lepak rmh shara tu. Dah mkn kenyang baekkk punyer duk melepak kejap konon2 nk cool down kan pewut..hehe Ard 545pm baru nk bagi duit raya n balik..hehe

Haaaa yg ni geng suami2 plak berposing! wakaka..dorang lg poyo dr kitaorg! hahaha :p

Last pose kat rmh shara.. Im holding a book on BF soul gave to me..tengs babe! woott! ^.^

Fuhhhh panjang x entry ni??pjg x?? ehhh nk sambung lg ni tauuuu!hahahaha

Last wikend we olss went to Kak Fara's open house plak..Dis time xsesat! yeyyyyy hehe suke giler bile sampai on time n ekceli the first one to arrived! weeee bangga bangga :p Masa we olss sampai tu Jannah n Mas pon sampai jugak..just nice lah kan..belum mkn ape lg trs posing dulu..hikhik

Ok lps tu minum2 dulu..warming up..heheh.. ;)

Huihh kak fara bolatnyer muka mata! hehe yg ckp tu pon sama je ekceli..hehe

Haiii tuan rmh pon sebuk mkn ke???oppsss hehehe masa ni tgh beria mkn kuih malinja sira kak fara!layann gilerrr! sedapppp! :)

Mas and Jannah..konon2 blue studio la nih! sebab dinding dia kaler blue! hahaha

Ni bergambar plak dlm bilik kerja kak fara kott...hehe mana2 pon jadik je kitaorg nih! janji lensa kamera ade! ahaakkks!

Soul sampai2 jek bg mkn anak doluuu..hehe skang ni i olss lehla amikkan gmbr next time i olss plak berjenuh menyuap anak makan..hehe

Guys talks...hehe masa ni masing2 dah kekenyangan neh! :)

Shara's festime attempt to jot down words of wisdom kat glc book! bersungguh2 haaaa ;)

Last post before sume org pulang ptg tu..hampir 90% cukup korum dah! wowwwww ni mmg glc gath paling ramai la niii...missing here was zaza..sian zaza asik xde dlm pic glc jer..huhu

Tengs kak fara for inviting us!!! Nnt D dah ade rmh sendiri D ajak open house rmh D plak eh! :)

Korang rase ade lg x??? ce teka ce tekaaaa...:)
Xde dahlaaaaaaaaaaa! :) hihi saje je nk pjgkan lg post..kihkihkih :p

So cane plak raye korang tahun nih?? 


DeLinn said...

paling tak tahan nak gelak bila tgk tuan rumah (fara) beria2 lak dia makan mcm tetamu! hahahaha peace!

nice photos u guys! :-)

Soulie said...

hahaha giler ah lump sumer gambar in one entry!

ehhh delinnn apsal tak datang raya umah fara ari tuh?

Fara said...

hahahaha aku tolong jawab knp delinn x dtg, the day before tu (Sabtu) kiterang baru jumpa kat gath rebanamaya, kang bosan plak dia tgk muka aku jek ... lagipun if jemput delinn, kena jemput raaaamai lagik .. so kena buat hari lain so rumah aku muat ... and dpt layanan ..

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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