41 weeks! Woottt!!

I am currently blogging away from the hospital yo! :) last two days my mil checked my feet n bp. Mil told me dat my swollen feet mcm teruk sket coz swollen smpai ke betis n my bp plak tinggi dr biasa. So i was like errrr is it bad??i xrase sakit or ape2 pon..

So mil suh pegi checkup klinik panel je on my condition ni smlm tp due to my hubby kena g ofis plak n he came home late evening jgk den told hubby we go friday lah..last nite i ajak hubby jln2 cr mkn kat jj au2 tu n nk dijadikan cerita i kena flu plak mlm tu! Xleh tdo dibuatnyer u know! Tu laa sendiri cr penyakit! Hehe

Den this morning, we went to da clinic n the doc told me i kena pre-eclampsia due to high bp n my urine contained protein plakk. Gullppp trs doc suh i g refer hukm n she prepared a letter for my gynea. Masa jmp gynea dia pon check my baby thru scan machine n sambil tu ckp "kita suh baby kuar esok jela k".."waterbag awak pon dh sikit ni".."hr ni awak masuk wad, esok lps subuh kita induce"..*gullpppp*..

mmg excited bila dgr doc ckp mcm tu but at the same time risau jgk..dahla i mcm demam sket today due to bad flu niii. Dr pg duk terbersin jek..huhu ard 5pm i pon checked in lah 'hotel 4*' niii :)....now resting on my bed while waiting hubby bwk mc d. Ekeke sempat lg tu! Hosp bg dinner awal sgt kul630 td. Of coz by now i dh lpr blk! :)

Mlm ni hubby teman tdo kat hosp smpaila i deliver baby nnt. Bila tgk meja dgn bag2 tu mcm nk g bercuti pjg jek! Kan main byk brg i bwk..hehe :p esok plak my sis nor nyer majlis bertandang. Kesian my mum xtau dpt g ke x. If i deliver pg esok den mebe xpegi la dia kott. Xpon i nak suh je dia pegi lps tgk i. Masa my wedding dulu my 2nd sis cannot attend my majlis bertandang n now i plak xdpt attend my 3rd sis majlis bertandang. erkkk hihi kesian my sis masa ni la i nk bersalin plak. Tp better dr i kecoh nk bersalin masa majlis kat rmh kitaorg hr tuu :)

Berdebar waiting for tomorrow but im looking forward to meet my lil pumpkin nih :) please pray for our safe journey ye kwn2! I hope i will deliver smoothly n safely. Nnt i will share with u guys my labour experience plak yer ;)


Fara said...

blogging from iphone ke? hebat tuh panjang entry hahah! mmg ada darah blogger tegar ni hahaha!
all the best!! :)

PrincessD said...

Haah kak fara guna aifon :) dah boring sgt mlm td tu yg pjg celotehnyer ekeke ;)

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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