My 2 cents of Ombak Rindu

Hmmmm been a while or not really a while lama gak kottt i didnt talk or post on muvi reviews kann..since now i didnt really have urgent things to do rather than waiting my lil bump ni nk keluar yg ntah bila nii hehe so lemme give you my reviews on current hot talking affectionate movies Ombak Rindu!... :)

Yeahhh the most reason why i went and watched the muvi was becoz of AA! hehe and definitely bcoz of the novel jugaklaa coz novel tu mmg hot zaman2 i sekolah dulu..i hardly tried to find the novel everywhere i go unfortunately all has been sold out! aiyoooo but anyway thanks to my besan erina who found n bhot it for me at Mara building tuu..semangat baca sampai abis den only baru pegi tgk muvi dia.ekeke

Well my comments on the movie was:

1. Maya Karin wasnt that much innocent to be Izzah..Her hijab styles always annoyed me! Why cant they get hijab stylist kat set??if wardrobe sexi2 tu byk je plak stoknyer! huh
2. Lisa Surihani always have problem with her loud voice! suke terjerit2..donno if thats wat the director wants la kann...but i found in her few movies mmg suke terjerit2 sajer..
3. The story plot moves express sgt sampai i didnt get to feel the muvi as how i feel wen i read the novel..since this muvi was an adaptation from a novel so pastila i will compare muvi n novel kannn..huhu 
4. They didnt show how Hariz fall in love with Izzah, Izzah went to college, Hariz bhot a cat for izzah not she found the cat herself..izzah's baby died wen she chase hariz but in the movie the baby was safe..part ni pon dah potong dah sedih dia!
5. There should be a scene where Pak Dollah n wife bergaduh sbb Izzah n how family Pak dollah became so close after the  misunderstanding happened. Ni tetiba je dorang dah baik2..
6. However i love character bront palare...he doesnt have to say much tp by memek muka and personaliti dia dlm muvi tu dah cukup buat citer tu hidup..
7. I love the muvi song! Sgt membantu to build up the emotion bila kuar part2 sedih..which didnt make my tears poured down pon cume genang2 jelaaa...:)
8. There was a scene where Izzah n Mila kat bendang ntahh bila kaler izzah n mila ni berbaik dia xtunjuk pon..den ternmpk pulak mic kat belakang baju izzah tuuu..spoil betul! wonder why they take that simple things for granted! huh
9. I think(ni my personal point of view laaa) if you wanna adapt a novel to a film better buat film/drama yg ada sequel like Twilight, LOTR, Tentang Dhia, Nora Elena tu ke..lg puas nonton n story line pon more close to the novel.

Oklah..dats it! To all fans of Ombak Rindu dont get offended by my comments yerrr..well lain org lain pendapatnyer ye dakk?! :) Malaysian movies a lotttttt more to improve!


DeLinn said...

semua points akak setuju!

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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