Aidil Adha di Tapah

It has been a year plus all of us didn't went back to Tapah. So this year Raya Haji we all pakat balik sini la plak. :)

What i like the most if balik Tapah was the environment yg sangat tenang and sunyi. We didn't do any masak2 for raya pun sbb my kakak biras dah order siap2 rendang n kuah kacang bagai dari KL. Hehe so mmg melepak dan berehat saje la kat kg. ^.^

Mula-mula tengok je dulu..hihi

Ilyas tolong ayah bakar rumput2 kering ^.^
Cheese and nasi impit - menu ilyas! ^.^
This time dapat ayah bawak ilyas pegi tengok korban kat kg tapah. The most interesting part was, he got to touch and hold lembu2 punyer parts tuh! OMG!! hahaha Cousins dia yg sebaya xberani dekat pun dgn lembu2 masa nk sembelih. I was likee mana dtg berani sgt niiii???!! hahaha

I can't believe this!! Lol!!
Mummy is sooo proud of you son!! :D
Playtime dgn adik Aqilah Husna :)
Since blk kg lama sket this time (4h 3m) we planned for a picnic kat Pusat Rekreasi Kuala Woh. Mmg best bawak budak2 n bapak budak mandi manda kat sini. Hehe Yg uniknyer tempat ni dia ada sulfur dan batu batuan dan tanah yg panas! Kalau berdiri lama2 dlm air tu you will feel the hot that came from the pasir2! :) So sape2 nak lumuq badan dgn sulfur blhla dtg sini. I heard it's good for the problem skin or utk cantikkan skin ek? ^.^

Hujung tu pasir dia panas gak sbb tu ilyas rileks je rendam lama2. hehe
Ayahchu and anak2 buahnyer...:)
Lepaking sambil makan mihun goreng 
Pose apa tu iyash??haha
Us sefamily :)
Arif dah lg tinggi dr makngah! how laaaaa??? hehe
Nak ajak ilyas blk time ni punyer la susaaahhh! Seronok sgt dpt mandi sungai. Hehe Once semua brg dah kemas baru dia pun terhegeh2 naik..Alololoooo next time kite dtg lagi ye sayangggg! mmmuuaaahhhhh!!!

Thank you for reading my entry!



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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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