I lost my wallet!!:(

I lost my wallet!!! :( It has been a few months i didnt went to my nanny's house and dis wikend my nanny did some kenduri doa selamat n we went back..Unfortunately, i lost my wallet there!

I've literally checked every possible place but i still couldnt find it..hope i just misplaced the wallie sumwhere in the house n really hope no one took it away or the rite word is 'tangan panjang' at nannys.

I was about to take my mum n untie Mun to go to Tampin this morning so i changed my shirt and jeans n was den looking for my wallet..its gone!gone! Yeah there was so many people in the house last nite n me impetuously left my wallet on the table at the hall.hmmmm what shud i say..regret??mad??never thot this thing could happen in your own place..

i've lost my ic,bank cards,licence n some hundreds of cash occayyy!huargghhhh! feels like crying but the tears didnt showed up..

Before went back to KL, we went to S*mpang Empat police station to make a report..then call the bank to blocked all my cards..n my holiday next wik will be used to go n renew evrything! sob..sob..sob...


Soulie said...

sian nieee ilang wallet is such a hassle! not too mention saket ati ilang cash but nak kene turun naik bank and report itu ini mmg menyusahkan. harap2 misplaced lah bebila ur nenek sapu sampah terjumpa dalam umah gak.

ermm report polis ekceli kinda funny biler baca hehee. "puas mencari" aar lebey kurang macam karangan formal tapik ayat tak formal.

PrincessD said...

huhu tulah..ni i tgu my cuzzie tlg carikan kot2 jumpa ke ape..tues or weds bru i g buat lain if dah xjmp..:(

xtahan ayat report yg last.."inilah report saya.." ahahahha

bem69 said...

Adui memang pening kalau hilang wallet? Sure tak misplace je ke? Tapi takpelah, inilah repot anda.

Memang cam siut ayat last tu.

PrincessD said...

ye bem69 tidak syak lg saya telah menyimpan dompet di tempat yg betul bukan tersalah letak..huhu

mungkin tiada rezeki saya maka dompet itu telah hilang..

hahahaha peliknyer bunyik bahasa i!hahahaha

Unknown said...

kot terjatuh blakang almari kot... bersabar ye D..

Fara said...

cuti2 pun x mo update blog ..
dah beli wallet baru lom?

PrincessD said...

mas:aku xrase jatuh blakang lemari..coz aku letak atas meja..huhu
KakFara:tu la xterupdate plak blog i ols ni biler mase sgt byk ade kannn..hihi blum bli wallet baru pon..im walletless!hahaha

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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