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Perkembangan terkini yg sememangnyer tgh kembang nih..heheh im in my 3rd/final trimester oredi...if ikut kalender dah masuk 30 weeks...if ikut doktor 29 more or less mcm tu laaa.. :) Alhamdulillah kesihatan semakin pon makin besar makin baik :) xbyk menyusahkan mummy dia niii..selain dr dia sgt aktif di dlm perut sampai kadang2 geli hati nengoknyerrr..dan pelik...xpenat2 ke dia duk main dlm womb mummy dia neh??hehehe tp ape pon sgt seronot! :D 

Persiapan nak sambut our little bundle of joy ni belum memuncak lg..errrr rase mcm awal lg mum pon advice dah masuk 8months nnt baru la g bli brg2 i olss mmg dah xleh tahan kalau jln2 kat jusco tu tgk baju2 baby yg comel2 so hr tu dh mula la beli baju budak kecik nihh...since we olss dah tau gender dia so lehla bli ikut kesesuaian kannn..hehe but still masih dlm mode berhati2 masa memilih baju dia sebab mana la tau kot2 kuar2 nnt lain plak gender dia..hehe :) bli kaler2 yg selamat jer..:D

Ni my pix masa 6 months preggy..hihi gagah berjalan2 lg...:D oh well ade org yg sanggup layan kannnn...hehe

Stretch marks?? so far alhamdulillah xde now dah naik mcm ruam2 merah kat perut n its very itchy at times n cant help not to scratch! hehe ramai ckp my tummy kecik je even dah 7 months preggy..agaknyer org dia kecik kot so perut pon keciklaa ekk..hehe but itu for them! as for me noooo its not kecik! hehe nowadays kalau duduk or baring payah giler nak bgn sendiri..mesti mintak hubby tolong tarikkan..hehe bila berjalan plak slalu cautious i jln kengkang ke x..n slalu suh hubby tgk kalau kengkang ke bitau sbb xnk la jln mcm tu kannnn..hihi cam seksa je nk jln..hubby ckp jln masih normal,vogue seperti biasa..ekeke :p

Ni gambar latest i olss 7 months preggy...baru amik pagi td nih..hehe

Skang ni kalau jalan mmg dah terasa beratnyerr..hikhik xleh jln laju2 sgt..nnt cepat kaki jd lenguh n mengah jgn ckpla kaannn..:) tp tp dlm hati meronta2 nak ajak hubby ke sana ke mari...xkire nak jln jugak!(hehe mesti hubby geleng bila bace nih :p)  hmmm ape lg ek perubahan yg ade...hmmmmm emosi?? semakin stabil rasenyer..xde dah sensitif sgt mcm dulu..ekeke dah leh kontrol dah..kalau rase nak marah trs je marah xsimpan2 dah..sampai hubby komplen kata i olss suke marah dia..hehe :p Memasak?? dah kurang sket lately..semakin malas plak..malas sbb xleh berdiri lama2 nnt kaki sakit gak..huhu (ni bukan alasan tau betul2 punyer niii! hihi)

Last wik pegi la buat MGTT test kat Klinik Kerajaan..punyerla takot nk pegi sebab takut sakit nurse tu cucuk tp akhirnyer pegi jugak..hehe nasib baik masa tu dia buat xsakit! phewwww..rilek je i olss minum air gula tuu..mmg ada rase pening2 sket lps minum tp xlama laaa..cuma lapar jek sbb xbreakfast lg time tuh..huhu result dia in 3wiks time katenyer. Next Monday ade lg cekap..harap2 cepatla result dia kuar..ehh eager plak nk tau ekk..hehe :p

Td ade perjumpaan dgn CEO syarikat, xsangka dia announce berita baik td..alhamdulillah syarikat up kan lg allowance kitaorg!! yeyyyy rezeki anak mummy neh! hehe (kalau dia announce skali cuti ibu bersalin dr 2bulan ke 3 bulan kan lg besssst!hihi) ngengada bg betis nk peha plakk..:p 

Raya haji ni insyaAllah my parent nak korban sekor lembu n buat kenduri doa selamat sempena rmh baru siap..di samping itu i olss pon menyelit la gak nk buat doa selamat utk permudahkan proses kelahiran anakku nnt. Moga2 segalanya berjalan lancar n me n my baby selamat n sehat sentiasa..:) U olss pon doa2kan sekali yer...*xsabar nk tgu dia keluar nih! :) 

ok lahh cukup my ramblings nihh..kang melalut plak...meh i tempek gak wajah kesayangan hamba yg latest jgk!:) ade nmpk cam lose weight x?? ade kan?ade kan??kan??? (ckp jela ade..dia tgh gagah berdiet tuh! ekeke)


Dani neh said...


PrincessD said...

heeeeeee :D

Rai said...

hehehehe..comeila mummy to be ni..still cute!..
Pojie tu...kurus sketla kat muka...sket jela...hehehehehhe :)

PrincessD said...

hehe tq rai! now muka aku dah bum bum! sib baik hidung blum masa kembang lg eh??hehe

poji kurus kat muka kan!hehhe

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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