My Son

Today i wanted to share about my lil cheeky son.. Ahmad Ilyas...How time flies he is now 4yrs old! I'm such a grateful mother because Ilyas was such a good boy and never turn me into a roller coaster. I wish one day he will read my blog and feel touch of what mummy is writing about him today...Hehe 

We sent him to school at really young age..mummy dulu pun 6 tahun baru start tadika nak oiii. Ni baru 3 tahun we already sent him to playschool dah. Masa dia baby2 dulu we opt to sent to a babysitter and taknak hantar taska sbb we felt so kesian dia terpaksa mingle dgn ramai budak2. So tak sampai hati..Syukur we met this one lady, Mama Syila yg penah jaga Ilyas macam dia jaga anak dia sendiri. Disebabkan budak2 kecik mcm Ilyas ni cepat tangkap blajar benda2 baru (communication especially) we decided to sent him to playschool. Little Muhibbin Playschool(LMP) nama sekolah dia masa umur 3thn. Alhamdulillah we made the right decision sending him there sbb everyday blk sekolah je mesti ada benda baru dia tunjuk kat kami. Mummy happy sokmo bila dgr dia baca surah2 pendek laa...baca doa laaa...nyanyi2 laaa...We was sooo happy sbb ada good progress bila hantar sekolah. 

Well after a year dekat LMP, there was a new building nearer to our house and sekolah baru nak bukak. That was sekolah P*STI. I mmg suka tgk anak2 kafara(a close friend of mine) pandai berkhutbah laaa, bersajak laaa sbb dia hantar anak2 dari yg sulung ke sekolah p*sti. Betul kan kafara?? hehehe #kalausalahjangankecamsaya So bila sekolah P*STI baru nk bukak kat area rmh, me and hubby terus excited nak masukkan dia ke sekolah tu. Satu sebab dekat dgn rmh. Dua sbb jalan ke sekolah tu mmg kami lalu hari2 pegi and blk keje. So xdelah menyimpang jauh sgt mcm LMP tu. Plus we don't want him to be bored duduk sekolah yg sama je kannn...hehe

So early this year Ilyas start schooling at P*STI. Hmmm being a mom you can smell know your son is ok or not ok, happy or not happy at his new place. Everyday i asked him what he did/learnt at school he will always find excuse not to answer my questions! Not only to me, to his Ayah or Opah pun sama mcm tu. We didn't see any good progress after 4months dia sekolah kat situ unlike the previous school. My instinct says i need to change his school cepat because yeah mmg ade few things yg i xberapa suka (i dont want to mention here what was it) Ilyas masuk sekolah tu tp i thought it was just me being like a soo modern (that was what his ayah described me!) mom. hahaha Maybe the school was so new and the facilities pun not so good yet and maybe the teachers also new and trying their very best to adapt with all the kids. But me not feeling happy as well so we changed his school for the 3rd times! OMG are we bad?? or xsabar kindda parents? We willing to burn all registration money and paid for new registration for his new school.

Alhamdulillah, Ilyas was so happy going to school now. No more liat bgn pagi or crying masa nak siap2kan dia pegi sekolah. Reason being teacher sekolah baru dia ni was teacher he knows from LMP. Mmg dia so close dgn Teacher Najwa LMP dia dulu. He was very happy that he will go to Teacher Najwa's school. Again we felt we made a good decision. Semua parents wants the best for their children right so do we. :)

We will do whatever it takes to make you happy sayang! Since Ilyas belum ada rezeki utk ada adik lagi mmg wajib kami spoilt kan dia in a good way. :) Mummy and ayah loves you so much to the moon and back! We hope and pray that you'll grow up to be mommy's and ayah's proud son! 


Thank you for reading! :)


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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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