Work At Home Mother (WAHM)

Every mothers dream to be W.A.H.M...yeahhhh same goes to me. My working life back then became so complicated. Not that im not being so grateful but it has put a toll on me. Seriously! More hours at the office compared to at home. Even if at home pun i'll bz working remotely jugak. Workdays..weekends....OMG....Poor Ilyas he has been neglected a lot when mummy was busy working. I've been thinking a lot since early last year..Should i quit my job? Can i live without my own salary later? How abt my parent will they agree?? What would i do if i quit my job?? Arghhhhh to many unanswered questions!! Mmg stressful giler dgn keje but i hesitate a lot. 

After almost a year thinking, i decided to leave my professional job. Lps few times buat solat istikharah finally i made up my mind. My boss duk pujuk2 i suh jgn quit but i should kesian myself more. Rezeki ada di mana2 InsyaAllah. Walaupun masa i accept the offer dulu i vowed that i will work here(my former company now) until i retire. Well kita hanya merancang Allah yang menentukan right? :)

Yeah so now i'm officially a WAHM! weeeeeee!! Before i quit, without any clear plan what to do lps berhenti kerja i bhought a sewing machine(Mesin Brother GS2700)! Duluuuu i selalu mentioned that i hate programming and sewing! Well, lain kali jgn benci sgt k coz u will stuck with it. hahaha My MIL was very supportive when i told her i want to buy a sewing machine. Pegi beli pun dgn dia. :) I mmg zero about sewing! Pegang mesin jahit pun xpenah! Jarum pun jaraaaaannnngggg sekali. Hadehhh betul ke i nk menjahit ni ntah...><

I started searching youtube tutorial on sewing videos and my first try was a needle book! Byk kali kottt jahit needle book to asyik salah je kekdahnyer..until one day i made it! i was so happy seriously and suddenly  hubby gave me an idea to commercialize it. He said gals and women nowadays dh ramai guna shawl so pins and brooches usually mesti byk dan bersepah (sebenarnyer he was referring to me kotttt hikhikhik). I pun started to jual my needle book in FB. 

I mcm xpercaya i dah boleh menjahit. Tapi brg2 kraf je laaa ye. baju belum lagi. hehe If you guys wanna order needle book or anything kraf yg ada kat instagram i bolehla PM i ye :)

My instagram ddsewwithlove. Banyak benda i dah jahit like Iron board cover, fabric basket, beg uncang, charging station, sarung bantal and tilam dan byk lg projek2 akan dtg ok. :) Blh tgk gmbr below on my sewing product ye:

Mini Tissue Cover

Phone charging hanging station

Sarung tilam dan bantal

Beg Uncang

Iron board cover

Fabric basket/caddy
Baby blanket
Alhamdulillah bisnes kecil-kecilan i mendapat sambutan sejak i bukak IG and promote2 kat FB. Feedback so far semua berpuas hati dgn hasil kerja tgn i. Syukur sgt. Sampai ada at certain time i tak menang tgn nk jahit brg2 di order. Since i dah menjahit ni ada je order dtg every month. Point is jgn underestimate your own capability and percaya Allah ada sentiasa utk bantu kita. I managed to save some money hasil dari sewing stuff i and my dream is to go travel with that money nnt. Pegi mana?? tungguuuuuu bila duit dah cukup k. hehe #poyo Eh bukan patut simpan utk masa depan ke??? hahaha No, ini just utk my self fullfilment je and don't worry it's just for once in a blue moon ;)

I also dreamt to be an inspired person to all working mothers out there. There's nothing impossible in this life until you take your 1st action! You can stay at home, make money, cook good food for your love ones and at the same time you gotta see your child growing in front of you. That is priceless!! :)

Ok till we meet again in the next post!

Have a great day ahead peeps!

Thank you for reading. :)



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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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