Ilyas and Chicken pox

Almost a month planning for our short escapade to Perak on this 26th Nov but Allah's plan ahead of us dulu kannn....cehhh mukadimah tu mcm serius sgt la plakkk! hahhaha

Yeah, patutnyer kami nk ke Bukit Gantang,Perak nak attend my b.i.l sister's wedding tapi apekan daya few days before nak pegi Ilyas kena chicken pox pulak! (sob..sob..sob..) Masa i tulis post ni dah hari ke-enam ilyas dgn chicken poxnyer(cp). Maka bermulalah sesi ibu dan ayah berhempas pulas menjaga anaknyer yg kesakitan..hihi First time experience menjaga budak kena cp. Selalu dgr anak kwn2, anak adik kena now it's my turn pulak..huhu I'm sure every mothers in this world will experience this ye dak? :)

Masa mula2 ilyas tunjuk kat kaki dia ada bijik berair tu i xamik port lg sbb igt biasa2 je. The next day pegi sekolah masa nak amik dia blk the teacher told me his body was a bit warm(dedar). Igtkan sebab night before tu kami pegi berjalan blk malam so igt dia penatla kann..masa ni pun i xbajet lg apa2. Mlm tu lps we all blk dr kelas ilyas tunjuk lg biji air tu kat tgn pulak. I tgkla tgn dia ada sebijik je..pun mummy xbajet lg kenapa. Naik atas nk tidokan dia nak tukar baju then i spotted ada few biji berair tu kat badan dia. I pun apa lg scan la satu badan ilyas! haha
First night we spotted his chicken pox!huhu
Terus jerit panggil hubby nk bgtau ilyas mcm kena cp je! Kami pun saspek mmg ilyas kena cp lah ni..adehhh i terus msg teacher dia tny ade ke recently budak2 kat taska baru baik cp and his teacher said xpenah ade lg. Adoiiii lg pening pk mana plak ilyas dpt kannn..The next morning we brought ilyas to the klinik kesihatan sri rampai and doctor pun confirmkan ilyas mmg kena cp! huarghhhhhhh sedeyyyyyyy!

Masuk hari ketiga biji2 cp tu lg banyak dan obvious! Masa ni mmg kesian sgt tgk dia. Kejap demam kejap tak. Aktif mcm biasa je alhamdulillah..Masa ni button panic mummy ON!! mula la tny ke sana ke mari(thru fon je laa hahaha). Mujurla acik jiran belakang rmh ada kwn yg ada pokok daun semambu. I terus rebus daun tu utk buat mandikan ilyas. Sebelum tu letak lotion calamine je. Little that we know ilyas alergik dgn lotion calamine pulak...Muka and badan dia naik bengkak2 mcm kena gegata tu. Again we brought him to the clinic and doctor mmg ckp ilyas alergic dgn calamine lotion tu. Adehhh
Daun semambu sedang direbus
Tiba2 naik bengkak bawah mata ni..huhu
Poor mummy's boy niiii :(
So we all stop immediately guna calamine. Kebetulan ada kawan i baru je anak dia baik dr cp jugak and she mentioned(at her fb status) she used herbal blend shaklee je utk kurangkan gatal and kecutkan cp tu. I mmg ada baca2 kat blog ramai ckp krim herbal blend tu bagus so dgn segera i pon order from her. 
Tq herbal blend!! :)
Alhamdulillah lps sapu herbal blend tu cp ilyas nmpk mengecut and bengkak dia dah hilang!! Setiap kali lps mandi air daun semambu i akan sapu krim tu kat ilyas. Now cp ilyas dah mengering and biji2 cp tu jd hitam2 plak. Kat muka ilyas byk giler kesan cp tu! Kesian tgk dia...huhu

So far dua tu jela tips i utk jaga budak yg kena cp. 

1. Konsisten mandikan air daun semambu
2. Sapu lotion herbal blend Shaklee

Masuk hari kelima ilyas dah mula scratching his body and head. Mmg xlena tido la mummy n ayah masa ni. I took some daun semambu tu ikat dgn getah and lalu2kan kat badan dia. Efek mcm menggarukkan diala kononnyer. It works! Seriously! Dia terus stop garu2 and sambung tido. Phewww lps tu mummy pun berlayar sedar2 tgk dia dah turun tido kat toto tepi katil kami. hahaha
Ayah pegi topup lg daun semambu ni dari Tapah! hehe
Day 6
Hopefully Ilyas cepat sihat and lps ni masa utk hilangkan parut2 cp dia plak! Yang risau parut timbul tu. Taknakla ada nnt kann. Ada la dpt few tips utk hilangkan parut cthnyer vitamin E baby oil, aloe vera mist, bio oil etc. You all kalau ada tips lain mehla share sini ye :)

Thank you for reading my entry!!



Unni anje said...

ala siannya :( tp pyakit ni wajib kena sekali seumur hidup

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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