Almost a month planning for our short escapade to Perak on this 26th Nov but Allah's plan ahead of us dulu kannn....cehhh mukadimah tu mcm serius sgt la plakkk! hahhaha Yeah, patutnyer kami nk ke Bukit Gantang,Perak nak attend my b.i.l sister's wedding tapi apekan...
His Birthday Today! 16th November 2016
I never wrote a post on my husband's birthday and today when i have like 1 hour before the clock strikes to a new date baru teringat nak buat post! Arghhhh sempat ke idokk ni?!! Hahahaha Ok quick one... We celebrated his birthday...
Lunch bersama Zaza @Killiney Kopitiam, KLCC
Zaza informed nk mai KL minggu ni. So kami pun plan nak jumpa la mek zaza setelah sekian lama xjumpa. Dia ada persidangan Daya E-Usahawan kat KL convec so kami plan jmp kat area food court Aquaria KLCC tu jela. Senang dia nak...
Family Dinner @Owlery Cafe
Dah lama kepingin nak pegi makan kat Owlery Cafe ni actually. My biras yg informed cafe tu belongs to her friends. So hari tu kebetulan semua family in laws ada kat rmh so we all pun pegi la dinner kat sana. ;-) Kat...
Segmen Jom Exchange Link by Mellya Crayola
Hi u ollssss! Was reading comments from my previous post and saw this one comment utk "Segmen Jom Exchange Link by Mellya Crayola". Ok sbb free now so i up this post for you ye. Jom join!! hehe Utk tau syarat penyertaan you all boleh klik gambar di...
Ariani Hijab Run 2016
Hollaaaa guys!! Yeahhh i just joined this run this morning and now resting at home with aching waist n feet!! Woootttt!! Hahaha Actually i bhought the race kit yesterday! From someone who i didn't know from FB! I put on my status at...
Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage
My Blogshop List
MURAH!!! JAPAN MUNAFIE IN DA HOUSE - Japan Munafie Slimming *1helai = RM15* *3helai = RM40* *postage RM7 (semenanjung), RM10 (sabah/sarawak)* *whatapps/telegram: 019-6517419*8 years ago
Batch 143 : Butterfly Vintage Bag - *Notes : To order, please fill in the form, or u can email me ( your details and items, or you also can SMS/whatsapp me at 019 232 ...9 years ago
XL Mayesa Shawl (Batch 7) - Assalamualaikum... Alhamdulillah. Hari ini kami update Mayesa XL Shawl (Batch 7). Ada 4 warna baru! :...10 years ago
Harga Akhir! - Ada yang minta potongan harga atas baju lelong..maka disebabkan KV tidak ada masa untuk menyimpan koleksi tersebut..dengan itu KV memberikan harga berik...11 years ago
Bag Emma - Update your style-of-the-day with this handbag in faux croco embrassed leather; comprising 1 main zip closure, an inner zip pocket, and front multifunctio...13 years ago
On Hiatus ;) - Salam..ShawLover kini sedang bercuti memadangkan tuan empunya ShawLover sedang sarat mengandung :) Yup, her first baby. Jadi sebarang order & jual beli tid...13 years ago
Order November - Order2 daripada rakan-rakan... Sempena Raya Haji yang lalu.... Vanilla Choc with Strawberry on Top.. Lynn Chocs sponsor kawin cousin... Choc Moist.. TQ ka...13 years ago
Sweet Evening Dresses - Hello gorgeous readers out there! Im posting out our first batch of kids dresses for your view and hope you'll like it and interested to having it for your...13 years ago