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Archive for August 2008
It's Merdeka..N soon Puasa...
Syukur Alhamdulillah..Our country again having the oppurtunity to celebrate our 51st Merdeka Day! Im so glad and proud to be Malaysian. Such a peaceful and harmony country to live in eventho having a bit frail and unstable political issues in the air but naaahhh it's ok...as long as it doesnt affects our country peacefulness than who cares...hehehhe
Today, im enjoying my weekend by spending most of my time in my 'disney world' and watching tv.:) hehehe Just now, my sis,mum n me went out for dinner abt 1 hour before the fire crackers starts to shout...my head a bit dizzy maybe bcoz overslept very late in the evening.hahaha Finally, we finished our ISTQB course and exam. Im not really happy with the exam, so many confusing questions,makes me so pening to think of the right answers...hmmm i really hope that i pass the exam..InsyaAllah...Amin...
I went home straight after the test, cant wait to continue my sleep i guess...hahaha i dont have enuff sleep for a few days..eventho i didnt go to work and went home late..have to study plak..hihihi I do miss my study back in college. huh...Suddenly feels like wanted to further my study,mmm maybe not in electronis but in IT..phewww i noe it will be quite challenging for me to take IT for my Master..erkkk have to think well abt it...just having a thot of it..
1 more day before puasa to go..Im so happy knowing that i still got the chance to puasa this year..
Alamak, im sleepy oredi..erkkkk a lots of tido during da day also not gud huh it keeps u sleepy all day...hihihi I'll continue my blog laterlaaa...
ISTQB week
Today is my 1st day in the training..its a course for software testing activities and practices. Its a gud day of starting the week i guess...coz i dont hv to go to work and gets messy with the clients...hahaha but deep inside my heart im worried coz im not there in the office during the testing to help my team out.
The course...let me share wat i've been learning today..Our speaker is from India(why must India??i had enuff oredi in the ofis...hehehe) but its ok at least his pronounciation is better and much more clearer than 'them'(whoever works wif me they noe laaa...hahahha) His name was Mr Ramit. Not a bad looking tho...kehkeheh...hey im suppose to study now n do some homework given by Mr Ramit but yet i wanna update my blog..hehehe Ok...i learned the fundamentals of testing today for the 1st chap. Its interesting. During the end of the day i found that whatever Mr Ramit thought us was how to and why we must do a testing..the steps..the do's and donts..the preparations..documentation needed before and after testing ends...i just knew that the virus in the systems in IT they call it bugs...hehehe
We also had our simple quizes and i think i really concerntrated the lectured i guess by getting gud results(not really gud but oklaaa for a beginner like me...hihihi) for the questions..or maybe he speaks English clearly and he tried hard to make us understand with the topics he discussed. He gaves us gud examples in evry and each of his explanations on related topics..very understandable and simple definitions...Alamak, sure u guys boring reading my blog today..heheh not really interesting to share huh..Apart from that, they feed us well! Alwaz eat and eat on time..hehehe(i never gets to do it in the ofis..alwaz miss the time..hehehe) and make couples of new frenz also!:)
The thing is wat im trying to tell here is that im glad to be part of the training participants coz now or in the future i noe wat shud i do and wat i shud not do in our new projects and how can i contribute well for the company...pehhh sooo spiritual plak today..hehehe(1st day training biasalaaa..heheh) i luv to learn more and gain more experience as much as i could. Coz knowledge is sumthin that we could not measure with numbers..its humongous,interesting and worthwhile...hope this spirits stays forever...:) Suddently feels like 'poyo' la plak..erkkk who cares...hehehe
After the training, i went back to da office to check whether my team needs help or not. Luckily, everythings doing well and i dont hv to stay long...Credits to Fadil and Khaleel!u go guyz!!At least i can go out for training in relief wen i noe everythg was undercontrol by u all..They worked hard and im glad they still here with me to get things done..Lets finish this U*T and we enjoy later ek!
Im happy today coz emmm i am happy!(only me understands this..hehe) maybe coz i end up the day in gud mood..:)
Ok enuff for today...will story more abt my course and experience later...
Another Boring Day
Its almost 130am oredi and yet still want to update my blog! hehehe hmmmm.....a long sigh....
Work as usual nothing more interesting in my life..its been work..work..work..n work...i easily gets worried to sumthing that i shud not be worried of. Cant get it off my mind. Today my time full with discussions..other than rectifying my reports. Our scope getting much more wider and task became more n more..huh (not complaining but just to express my tireness of the day...hehehe) New things me encountered today during our discussion. They talked about developing new screen/interface for reports by not using the current webpage. uhhh me dont really understand what they've been talking..cannot imagine sumthing i've never done before espcially on programming JAVA,C++, creating interface screen..bla..bla..bla..erkkkk zero! Luckily, i've great team with me Fadil n Khaleel who seems to know wat En.Nash was talking about and wat he wants us to do(pheewwww ;).
However, i took it as a challenge and new knowledge which i shud learn. Sumtimes we wont do things we like..i never expected that i'll end up working on programming thingie...never!!!hahaha
Poor Kak Ede coz she's been helping us out on giving ideas n inputs for our documentation. Thanks Kak Ede really appreciate it! see in blog also im thingking about work! OMG!! :D
Oppss..not interesting at all my entries today..hehehe Before we went home as usual we(me.soul,kak ede n zz) had our dinner at NZ ard 930pm. The Milo shakes was awsome! u guys shud tryla!! hehehe
Okla, time to sleep now. sure it will be hard for me to wake up early tomorrow morning!alamak..hihihih
My Great Weekend
This week im spending my time at my kampung. We're attending my cousin's wedding, Mulub. Congratez to you bro!!Quite exhausted coz of the wedding but we had great fun together with all my cousins and families. Luckily Mulub married nearby lady..so we dont have to worry sending him to his wife's place..hehehe
The night before the wedding my uncles, my mum,nenek,aunties all at Pak Lang's place to help him out cooked the wedding dishes for tomorrow. His house was just side of the road and we all gathered there and make noises til late night..heheh Can you imagine the stockhasticity we had make in the kampung..heheh I couldnt stay long with them coz im getting so sleepy and asked my sis to go home with me..slept around 12am that nite..Thank God i brought my comforter along, usually my mum won't allow me to bring it coz it will only compacted the car..abah drove nor's car and me drove mine so space seems not a problem anymore...heheh It was sooo cold during the night at my nenek's house..
Today, got a wedding feast at Pak Lang's house. It's 'menyambut menantu' kindda thing laa..Daytime, it was sooo hot! The feast started at 1230pm and ended around 230pm. They cooked Ayam Masa Lemak Cili Api, Sambal Udang, Ikan Masin Goreng and Sayur..Pehhh really delicious and hot! we took some to KL also..hhehehe
Went home from Melaka around 315pm and arrived KL at 430pm. Huhh..we're so tired, after unpacked our things everyone was aslept until 7pm..hahaha i was awake pon coz of my brother woke me up to ask me how to connect to Streamyx..ishh kacau betul.. at first i was like not to layan him but then pity plak looking at his face so me woke up jela with frown face..hehehe
Then, i hurriedly went to the toilet to take my wudhu' coz i did not have Asar prayer yet...oppsss.. After that me and my sis prepared food for dinner..Tonight is the Final Game for Badminton. As usual all of us will watched and make noise. The game turn out bad coz we lost..poor Chong Wei..He tried his best but no luck..:( There goes my day.. now im waiting for Supernatural to start...hehhe one of my fav tv show..
End of Story...:D
Wat A Long Day...
Today is the most frustrated and exhausted day for me..n my team especially..after being 'hit n run' by a few 'cars and lorries' we just tend to follow watever they want us to do..they dont even want us to explain further of what we're doing and just say 'Stop,you dont have to explain..please document it on the paper' that sucks..at least gives us a chance to speaklaaa...
Damned..im so tired...dunno wat to write..
Just wish that i could turn back time and do all over again appropriately and plan things well...hummm...things just happen...nothing we can do about it. Just reminding myself not to repeat the same mistakes again..
Nothing interesting happened the whole day..since my time is more in the office rather than spending quality time with people i love.. that sucks..hehe i need to have time for myself..pity me..but when will it be still yet to know..
In addition to my sorrow day, i went home ard 1130pm. Reached home as usual I've to find a place to park my car since the parking was always full the time i arrived..i thought it was a good spot to park but unfortunately i scratched my new car with a bench!!! huaarrgghhhhh.:(..long scratched! OMG..i told my mum not to worry i'll fix it later but inside my heart was like crying and yelling "Oohhh Noooo,My car!!!" i dont want my mum to think more about it as she only knew that she has high blood pressure and high cholestrol which was dicovered last two days..i feel bad...huhu
im sleepy already. Need to sleep now..i wish tomorrow will be better than today InsyaAllah..
see you guys in the next episode..:) hehe
1st Time Attempt...lalala
Hye u ols!!! Finally im blogging myself!!! Blame Kak Fara for this ye..hehehe
Since this is my 1st time blogging, i don't have any idea wat to write but still im trying to figure out wat to jot down...hehe reading my frens blogs makes me really wanted to blog but when i tried donno wat to blog..hmmm wat am i trying to say???hahaha
Ok lets starts with what i've been doing the whole day today..:) I woke up late this morning as usual as im not dat kind of morning person actually(hehe). Reached office je there's lots of things needs to be done..huh UAT starts,im start to worry again..reports really create a misery in my life!! But as phlegmatic as i am(hehehe) i went thru the day as it is..me really poor in getting my plans run out smoothly for the day..tried to but always there's sumthin stopping or interrupting my way..huh
Sometimes feels like giving up but i noe i shud not, sometimes feels like frustrated when everybody was not happy with the output of my work but i think thats how project goes, sometimes feels like proud of myself coz i still can controlled and managed myself whenever im down and fight the stress in work(espcially when all my gud colleagues left the project)...hmmm donno laaa juz live with it..
Suddenly, seems like there's so much things to say huh...heheheh no wonder people likes to blog...hmmm they jot down everything that sumtimes they couldnt say it out loud...this is cool guys!....
Ok before i end this blog, we had our(me,soul,kak ede,poji,padil,zz,eddin n paparazi) dinner at our new hangout place at NZ Restaurant opposite KLCC at ard 9pm. That place was cool and cozy...the food also not so bad..i like their butter naan and Nasi Goreng Ayam plus Milo Shake..heheh Then went back to the office and continue some work, go home ard 1130pm..
End of story :)
Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage
My Blogshop List
Japan Munafie Slimming
*1helai = RM15*
*3helai = RM40*
*postage RM7 (semenanjung), RM10 (sabah/sarawak)*
*whatapps/telegram: 019-6517419*
8 years ago
*EDZ Raya Big Sale*
*[ Discount up to 70% ] EDZ Raya Big Sale!*
Visit EDZ Storefronts this weekend or catch EDZ @ MoodRepublik / KLRayaFest
*We a...
9 years ago
Batch 143 : Butterfly Vintage Bag
*Notes : To order, please fill in the form, or u can email me
(chantekdress@gmail.com) your details and items, or you also can
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XL Mayesa Shawl (Batch 7)
Hari ini kami update Mayesa XL Shawl (Batch 7).
Ada 4 warna baru! :...
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