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1st Time Attempt...lalala
1st Time Attempt...lalala
Hye u ols!!! Finally im blogging myself!!! Blame Kak Fara for this ye..hehehe
Since this is my 1st time blogging, i don't have any idea wat to write but still im trying to figure out wat to jot down...hehe reading my frens blogs makes me really wanted to blog but when i tried donno wat to blog..hmmm wat am i trying to say???hahaha
Ok lets starts with what i've been doing the whole day today..:) I woke up late this morning as usual as im not dat kind of morning person actually(hehe). Reached office je there's lots of things needs to be done..huh UAT starts,im start to worry again..reports really create a misery in my life!! But as phlegmatic as i am(hehehe) i went thru the day as it is..me really poor in getting my plans run out smoothly for the day..tried to but always there's sumthin stopping or interrupting my way..huh
Sometimes feels like giving up but i noe i shud not, sometimes feels like frustrated when everybody was not happy with the output of my work but i think thats how project goes, sometimes feels like proud of myself coz i still can controlled and managed myself whenever im down and fight the stress in work(espcially when all my gud colleagues left the project)...hmmm donno laaa juz live with it..
Suddenly, seems like there's so much things to say huh...heheheh no wonder people likes to blog...hmmm they jot down everything that sumtimes they couldnt say it out loud...this is cool guys!....
Ok before i end this blog, we had our(me,soul,kak ede,poji,padil,zz,eddin n paparazi) dinner at our new hangout place at NZ Restaurant opposite KLCC at ard 9pm. That place was cool and cozy...the food also not so bad..i like their butter naan and Nasi Goreng Ayam plus Milo Shake..heheh Then went back to the office and continue some work, go home ard 1130pm..
End of story :)
Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage
My Blogshop List
Japan Munafie Slimming
*1helai = RM15*
*3helai = RM40*
*postage RM7 (semenanjung), RM10 (sabah/sarawak)*
*whatapps/telegram: 019-6517419*
8 years ago
*EDZ Raya Big Sale*
*[ Discount up to 70% ] EDZ Raya Big Sale!*
Visit EDZ Storefronts this weekend or catch EDZ @ MoodRepublik / KLRayaFest
*We a...
9 years ago
Batch 143 : Butterfly Vintage Bag
*Notes : To order, please fill in the form, or u can email me
(chantekdress@gmail.com) your details and items, or you also can
SMS/whatsapp me at 019 232 ...
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XL Mayesa Shawl (Batch 7)
Hari ini kami update Mayesa XL Shawl (Batch 7).
Ada 4 warna baru! :...
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Bag Emma
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12 years ago
yahu, at last u hv ur own blog....
PINK and D mmg x dapat nak dipisahkan.. try le tukar fav. kaler purple ke, blue ke or others kaler plak.. heheh (joking je tau..)
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