My Great Weekend
This week im spending my time at my kampung. We're attending my cousin's wedding, Mulub. Congratez to you bro!!Quite exhausted coz of the wedding but we had great fun together with all my cousins and families. Luckily Mulub married nearby we dont have to worry sending him to his wife's place..hehehe
The night before the wedding my uncles, my mum,nenek,aunties all at Pak Lang's place to help him out cooked the wedding dishes for tomorrow. His house was just side of the road and we all gathered there and make noises til late night..heheh Can you imagine the stockhasticity we had make in the kampung..heheh I couldnt stay long with them coz im getting so sleepy and asked my sis to go home with me..slept around 12am that nite..Thank God i brought my comforter along, usually my mum won't allow me to bring it coz it will only compacted the car..abah drove nor's car and me drove mine so space seems not a problem anymore...heheh It was sooo cold during the night at my nenek's house..
Today, got a wedding feast at Pak Lang's house. It's 'menyambut menantu' kindda thing laa..Daytime, it was sooo hot! The feast started at 1230pm and ended around 230pm. They cooked Ayam Masa Lemak Cili Api, Sambal Udang, Ikan Masin Goreng and Sayur..Pehhh really delicious and hot! we took some to KL also..hhehehe
Went home from Melaka around 315pm and arrived KL at 430pm. Huhh..we're so tired, after unpacked our things everyone was aslept until 7pm..hahaha i was awake pon coz of my brother woke me up to ask me how to connect to Streamyx..ishh kacau betul.. at first i was like not to layan him but then pity plak looking at his face so me woke up jela with frown face..hehehe
Then, i hurriedly went to the toilet to take my wudhu' coz i did not have Asar prayer yet...oppsss.. After that me and my sis prepared food for dinner..Tonight is the Final Game for Badminton. As usual all of us will watched and make noise. The game turn out bad coz we lost..poor Chong Wei..He tried his best but no luck..:( There goes my day.. now im waiting for Supernatural to start...hehhe one of my fav tv show..
End of Story...:D
Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage
My Blogshop List
Japan Munafie Slimming
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*EDZ Raya Big Sale*
*[ Discount up to 70% ] EDZ Raya Big Sale!*
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Batch 143 : Butterfly Vintage Bag
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SMS/whatsapp me at 019 232 ...
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12 years ago
TQ For joining us the blogger! hehehe! cayalah!
always be strong (i know u r) whenever u face new challenges .. u hv great ppl around to coach and guide u .. so dont worry too much!
You Go girl!
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