Cwazee day....
Quite a hectic day today...i took only one day leave yesterday but today there's soo much things happened and needs to be done. if im on leave the whole week wats gonna happen huh??hehe like im the only one who cares abt work...hehe
Well,got an email frm mrs blurmind today..heheh she shoot me by saying..."To d*ana/edd*n, wat a mess!" that really pist me off!! been hard to please and comfort people ard u..the funny thing was she really donno wat she really wantz and who to blame..lesson learnt..never complies or replies to those kind of email from yr client..u shud juz ignore it! but i did replied to her mail coz im trying to defend myself from being such a fool..well at least me feel gud after dat..hehe
Btw, yesterday i went for jcard shopping day..took on leave just to donate my money there...can u imagine how lucky jj was..hehehe bhot so many things..i think dat was my 1st time shopping rally i did..hehe reached cwazee early at jj dat morning,before 9am okeyyy...n people is like from nowhere ambushed the place..i was soo amazed to witness how grandsale is taking over people's mind out of everything..including me..hehe halfday shopping really enuff for me thats wen my belly starts to yell 'im hungry.lets getout of here!!!' hehe
Later, went to my sis house at Pr*ma Damansara to fetch my bro. Ard 4 reached home.. there goes my day..
Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage
My Blogshop List
Japan Munafie Slimming
*1helai = RM15*
*3helai = RM40*
*postage RM7 (semenanjung), RM10 (sabah/sarawak)*
*whatapps/telegram: 019-6517419*
8 years ago
*EDZ Raya Big Sale*
*[ Discount up to 70% ] EDZ Raya Big Sale!*
Visit EDZ Storefronts this weekend or catch EDZ @ MoodRepublik / KLRayaFest
*We a...
9 years ago
Batch 143 : Butterfly Vintage Bag
*Notes : To order, please fill in the form, or u can email me
( your details and items, or you also can
SMS/whatsapp me at 019 232 ...
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XL Mayesa Shawl (Batch 7)
Hari ini kami update Mayesa XL Shawl (Batch 7).
Ada 4 warna baru! :...
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Harga Akhir!
Ada yang minta potongan harga atas baju lelong..maka disebabkan KV tidak
ada masa untuk menyimpan koleksi tersebut..dengan itu KV memberikan harga
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Bag Emma
Update your style-of-the-day with this handbag in faux croco embrassed
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On Hiatus ;)
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88 Love Life
The book i ordered udah sampai. Terjebak jugak beli buku nie
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My vitamins
Some of my vitamins :)
12 years ago
Perghhh ... dah addicted to shopping eh ... jeles la ni ...
D, nk picnic mana .. this weekend x leh la, balik kampong!
p/s: VIP mana bleh cuti weh! hahahaha!
Cess VIP la sgt! hahaha
Kita picnic kat PD ke nk?? mana lg tmpt yg paling dekat?any idea x?
Buatla bebila pon xpe..hujung bulan ke..27 or 28hb ke...
JCARD mane weh???
jcard maluri la sharax...hehehe
xtau eks??
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