Tagged By Zect's Fwen..Soul..hehe

Tagged by Soul.

The rules:

Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini :
1. Soul sgtlah tomeiii...sgt fotogenik bila amik gmbr!hehe betul soul ikhlas nih!hehehe
2. She loves to go to post office to send and receive her swapbots..n the postman oso oredi knows her..hehe
3. Kaki makan n kaki perabih makanan(this one i loiikeee!coz wasting is not her fwen!)hehehe
4. She loves designing but wonder y she didn't find related job for a living coz her artwork is quite goood..hmmmm
5. Suke try mkn kat tmpt2 menarik pas tu recommend kt kwn2:)

Setiap blogger mestilah menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award yg seterusnya :

1. Sgt suke memasak wpun jarang dapat masak..n masakan yg sgt digemari utk dimasak adalah ape2 aje yg ade cili!hehe
2. Suke mengisi masa lapang dgn tidur di siang hari atau menonton tv sepanjang
hari tanpa buat benda lain..jarang dapat buat ni!
3. I love singing n love to hafal the liriks(english songs je la rajin) n make a
lyric papers n suddenly realized it became like a book oredi!..hehe..cam ade bakat terendam la gak..heheh
4. Love reality shows!esp singing showslaa..hehe
5. I always have my clarinase in my handbag coz easily attack by flu..
6. Love to travel tp byk tmpt lg xpegi nih!aiyokkk...
7. Hard to sleep during nite time..
8. I shud read more books but donno how to attract myself to read..aura xdek
9. I love to drive..
10. Sgt suke mkn nasi goreng di tempat2 yg berbeza..nk compare mana paling sedap
but till now i dont find one!huh

Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnye dan describe tentang mereka :

1. Mas:She likes extreme xtvties n superbiking
2. Dani:Currently in bunga2bunga cinta mode!
3. Lisa:she's hot mama in town n she has an adorable daughter,Tasya
4. Kak Mauze:She's very particular on financial n used to be my financial
5. Rina:the ranggi teacher!


Dani neh said...

geheheee.. kena tag!!!

sol.. nampak sgt ko cam kaki makan.. hahahahaaaa..

nak tengok atweeek...

d.. ko kurus sangat k.. kurang lemak untuk membagi haba spy tak hingus2... kena ekon pun boleh cramp... eseymeeeen

PrincessD said...

dani: alaaa ckp je org ko pon sama..cume xcramp je bile terlalu sejuk..hahahaha

sila jawab tag aku tuh! hehehe

Soulie said...

telampau obvious aku suker makan okeh! tapik see the size lah hahaha

Fara said...

nak tiru points pasal sol! huhu

PrincessD said...

hahahha mana leh tiru2 kak fara..jwpn sendirik laaaa...hehehhe

soul,take it as a complement ocayyyy! ;)

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Even though ablazed
If I had to do it all over again
I need all the bruises to be the same
As I know not the difference between good and bad
Since some good came from the bad
And some bad came from the good
So as I cherish my existence
I too shall cherish each penance
Every each one that brought me here
For me to ponder thereafterAnd let me look upon these days
As if it was gloriously hazed
Even though some may disagree
But to me
It is mine to say and do
So I shall not leave it up to you
To say what is mine to take
Or what is mine to break
As within each and glorious days
Even though there is always some haze
Yet all is worthy of a place
Deep within this long and lonely passage

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