Today we went to Zaza's wedding and Shara's open house..Before we(me,mas,jannah,soul n hubby,kak fara n family,kak mauze n family) reached shara's place we planned to meet at Taman Melat*i Petron*as..5 cars convoing to shara's house..wowwww..great n exciting i tell u! hehe i was early which i thot im going to be the last! i was wrong! hahaha waited for everybody n moved to shara's house ard 1240pm..time failed!hehehe we planned to be at shara's place at 12 ekceli..hehe ohh well...;)
Kak fara n kiddoes whilst waiting for others..hehhe
Dani wuz ard wen we reached!wahhhh great! finally glc complete korum at shara's place..hehe we had luscious laksa Sarawak for lunch..izzit laksa or izzit spicy soup huh??...n nasi impit wif rendang tok and special homemade muffin! yummy!! Thanks shara! ;)
Dis pix wuz taken before we started makan2 ocayyy!hahahaha
hehe happily having Shara's Laksa so called...;) n sharax! Thanks Shara for the invitation!;)

We departed to Zaza's wedding at 150pm and now the number of cars increasing to 8! :) Shara leads the way..hehe wen we arrived the sanding had oredi passed...zaza oredi sitting on the wedding dais..we crowd in and started to look for seats..the place wuz sooo crowded however we managed to find one!hehe
Congratulation to u both Zaza n hubby! Me wish u guys all the happiness in this world and happy married life! :)

The uncontrollable ladies in action! hahahaha

It wuz raining heavily outside n we decided to wait the rain to abate so we took da chance to camho summore!hehehe
En.Pie came with his wife only u noe..woww loving2 gitu!hehehe
ha'ah lah cam siling opis. eddin ekceli dah sampai lama dah and dah siap makan. dia kuar tuh gi carik toilet kot.
sib baik dia tak edit muka aku jadik muka artis bagai ekekeke
apsal plak laksa aku so called.. aku yg masak la weiii... ahahaha
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